Remedies for Common Conditions in Animals - 芳療

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2009-03-02T13:53

Table of Contents

Abuse, neglect, or abandonment: Often a combination of these conditions may
be experienced by animals you get from a shelter or rescue organization; thus
we recommend the following combination of remedies: Aspen (unknown fears),
Larch (self-confidence, self-esteem), Pine (if an animal feels it has done
something wrong), Star of Bethlehem (shock).

Aggressiveness: If this is biting behavior, Snapdragon (FES) can help; for
overdominating animals we recommend Vine. Cherry Plum can help when terror
leads to aggression.

Aloofness: Though this is most commonly experienced by cats, any animal who
displays this behavior can be helped by Water Violet.

Apathy, Indifference: Wild Rose is a helpful remedy for this condition (but I
want to emphasize that apathy can be also a sign of illness).

Breaking Bad Habits: Chestnut Bud can be helpful.

Change: Cats are especially place-conscious and extremely aware of new smells
and sensations, but Beech can be helpful to any animal who is reacting
negatively to a new environment or household member.

Walnut, which is for transitions, is recommended for any kind of change.

Chronic or Critical Illnesses Gorse can help if it seems that an animal has
decided to die (although sometimes the animal is wiser than we are.) Olive
can help in cases of physical exhaustion.

Detoxification: Crab Apple can be helpful, and can also accelerate healing.

Fear: Mimulus is helpful for all identifiable fears (of loud noises, visiting
the vet, people, etc.). If the fear escalates to terror Rock Rose can be

Aspen is helpful for unknown fears. What this means in terms of animals is
often fears which they are picking up from others. If you are having a
fearful time your animal will pick absorb and express this. Animals in
hospitals can also pick up on the fears of other animals (and may be
painfully aware of animals' deaths). Grief (loss of a human or companion
animal): Sweet Chestnut is helpful for despair; Honeysuckle may help heal the
longing for the past or for a departed companion animal or human. Grooming,
Excessive: Crab Apple (for a feeling of uncleanliness). If this is nervous
behavior see the hyperactivity category above.

Housebreaking problems: A combination of Cherry Plum (for the inability to
control unwanted behavior) and Chestnut Bud (for failing to learn from
mistakes) has been successful for a number of our clients.

Hyperactivity: Impatiens is helpful for the animal which is clearly nervous.
Vervain is for over-enthusiasm (the dog which must chase every car, or bark
at every stranger).

Jealousy: Holly is the ideal remedy.

Possessiveness: Chicory is recommended. This can also help with separation

Pre- and post-surgical treatment: Rescue Remedy is good for trauma, whether
emotional or physical; Crab Apple can be helpful for preventing infection;
Self-Heal (FES) encourages the will to recover.

Rigidity: Though I am referring to inflexibility in terms of habits, Rock
Water has been used with good results for arthritic animals.

Submissiveness: We recommend Centaury for the animal which lets other animals
push it around. Larch can also help by adding self-esteem. (Note: The pusher
may need Vine. See Dominance.)

Worrying: No, I don't think that animals worry the way we do, but constant
pacing or crying can indicate mental distress, which can be helped by White
Chestnut. First, though, make sure that all is well in environment; this
behavior can also be a warning of danger

Tags: 芳療

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