推薦公館視覺visual的vicky (代PO文) - 美髮

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-09-08T18:24

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First, I'm a Taiwanese guy that lives in the states.
I always think Taiwan have better hair stylist compare to states.
However, I don't live in Taiwan and when I do go back and visit
I don't know where to get a cut.

After my friend's recommendation, I went to visit Vicky.
She asked me how I wanted to cut
and I told her just do what she think will fit me.

I was very satified with my cut.
She was very outgoing and she got the skills.

She told me she's been in the business for 9 years now.
She even trimmed my eyebrows for me.

Which was my first and it was pretty cool.

I highly recommend her. And the price was right.

Tags: 美髮

All Comments


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-09-08T13:26
禮拜天要去吃喜酒 剛好頭髮也長長了 剛退伍的時候因為天氣熱把頭髮剪shortcut 現在頭髮長出來有點亂 看起來一叢一叢不太整齊 因為上班的地方在民生社區 最近要加班機會比較高 想說利用晚餐時在附近剪剪好了 不然回家就太晚了 希望可以推薦一下松山這一帶不錯的男生剪髮 價位洗加剪500以內 但 ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-09-08T11:29
請問有板友知道這罐嗎? 外觀為藍色瓶蓋 聞起來有淡淡的鳳梨味~ 這罐不知道台北地區哪裡還有再販賣? 詢問過之前的代理商的沒消息了~~~ 感謝各位~~ -- 選擇生活,選擇工作,選擇事業,選擇家庭,選他媽的大電視機,選洗衣機、車子、CD、 電動開罐器,選擇健康、低膽固醇和牙醫保險、定息低率貸款,選擇房子 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-09-08T10:38
http://0rz.tw/D1nD7 可以用抓的把他抓出來嗎? 還是一定要經過燙才抓得起來 還有這種髮型 http://0rz.tw/BdUzm 要怎麼樣才能把他都集中在另一邊啊??? 如果要剪這種髮型 可以去哪剪? 之前真是不好意思 忘記檢視連結= = 謝謝 -- ...

維拉髮藝 俏麗、清爽、自我的變髮

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2011-09-07T22:28
店名:維拉髮藝 地址:羅斯福路4段132號2樓 電話:02-2368-6618 朋友這禮拜去了這家維拉髮藝,而設計師是 女的Aring 另附上變髮前後的差別圖片,若覺得不錯,請多多支持! http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=challengingandam ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2011-09-07T19:34
如題, 因為開始上班一段時間了, 留長髮似乎被上面覺得不是很有精神, 但又因為是自然捲的關係, 所以也很難造型, 想問台北是否有剪商務人士頭的店呢? 再煩請推薦,謝謝..! - ...