芳香療法的論文(天竺葵精油) - 精油

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2015-08-21T10:50

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期刊: J Caring Sci.
發表時間: 2015.6.14
作者團隊: 伊朗North Khorasan University


Anxiety increases significantly during labor, especially among nulliparous
women. Such anxiety may affect the progress of labor and physiological
parameters. The use of essential oils of aromatic plants, or aromatherapy, is
a non-invasive procedure that can decrease childbirth anxiety. This study
examined the effect of inhalation of the aroma of geranium essential oil on
the level of anxiety and physiological parameters of nulliparous women in the
first stage of labor.

In study, was carried out on 100 nulliparous women admitted to Bent al-Hoda
Hospital in the city of Bojnord in North Khorasan province of Iran during
2012-2013. The women were randomly assigned to two groups of equal size, one
experimental group (geranium essential oil) and one control (placebo) group.
Anxiety levels were measured using Spielberger' questionnaire before and
after intervention. Physiological parameters (systolic and diastolic blood
pressure, respiratory rate, pulse rate) were also measured before and after
intervention in both groups. Data analysis was conducted using the x2 test,
paired t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Wilcox on test on SPSS 11.5.

The mean anxiety score decreased significantly after inhalation of the aroma
of geranium essential oil. There was also a significant decrease in diastolic
blood pressure.

Aroma of essential oil of geraniums can effectively reduce anxiety during
labor and can be recommended as a non-invasive anti-anxiety aid during



Tags: 精油

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Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2015-08-20T15:59
各位版友平安。 我近期要到大陸幾天, 之前在淘寶上看到幾個精油賣家好像不錯, 包括賣版上討論過的新疆伊犛薰衣草精油以及山東玫瑰精油的人。 可是他們都說沒辦法把精油寄到台灣, 所以我瞎搞了一陣沒買成。 這次去探親,親戚說我想買什麼可以先告訴他、他會幫我買。 我當然想帶精油回來。 只是因為我本人對 ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2015-08-20T01:37
以下分享一篇期刊論文 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26211735 芳香療法對於病患睡眠品質與焦慮情形的效果 期刊: Nurs Crit Care. 發表時間: 2015.7.27 作者團隊: 土耳其 Dokuz Eylül 大學 摘要 BACKGROUN ...

情人節特調精油分享 ^^

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2015-08-19T16:22
今年的情人節我安排了在家裡的燭光晚餐 (燦笑XD) 氣氛氣氛氣氛真的非常重要!!! 特來分享幾種情人節特調,以下有幾款簡單配方歡迎參考 比例可以依自己喜愛的味道調整(可依照自己的狀況取用^^) A.戀人未滿級之小清新香andgt;andgt; 天竺葵3~4滴+快樂鼠尾草2~3滴(作薰香) 快樂鼠尾草: ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2015-08-19T16:01
一、課程介紹: 近年來國人越來越重視健康養生的觀念,許多保健的方法在使用上必須更加注意其正確性 和實質成效,本課程為提供完整且正確的初階芳療概念和認證機制,精心設計相關課程, 傳授最正確、專業的基礎芳療理論,並輔導學員於課程結束及考試後「直接取得美國NAHA 初階芳療師認證」,無論是芳療工作者,或是對於芳香療 ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2015-08-19T14:31
目前看中醫調子宮內膜異位幾個月了 因中醫覺得驅寒的藥下的不算輕了 我還是會受寒、怕冷 想說會不會是我平時吃了什麼讓藥效沒那麼好 因我飲食上已蠻注意別碰寒的食物了 在冷氣房也會穿厚一點的外套 想說會是精油影響嗎? (看診前有先跟醫生確認我有在芳療,他也說沒差~但醫生不太懂芳療) 我有以下的精油 岩蘭草、苦橙葉 ...