最近很紅的TR90~ - 健身
By Tom
at 2013-09-23T21:40
at 2013-09-23T21:40
Table of Contents
: ◆ From:
: → isaacting:其實新皮總公司應該還可以,還蠻誠實的,只是台灣的經銷商 09/17 10:13
: → Iamjoker:連自家官方文件都在打直銷商的臉了XDD 09/17 10:14
: → isaacting:看到他們的說明都會讓我連哭都哭不出來..怎麼差這麼多? 09/17 10:14
: 推 shellyclover:好文推! 09/17 10:38
: 推 dio112400:XD 09/17 10:43
: 推 CACALALA:推新皮總公司應該還可以,真的是人的問題.... 09/17 10:45
: 推 drcula:總公司會被告到倒啊,經銷商愛怎麼虎爛都是個人行為 09/17 10:48
In the 1990s, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigated Nu Skin over
complaints of its multilevel marketing practices.[6]
In 1992, Nu Skin reached settlements with 5 states which had accused
the company of deceptive advertising and overstating the income
earned by distributors.[7]
In 1994, following an investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC),
the company paid $1 million and signed a consent decree prohibiting it
from making deceptive or unsubstantiated claims about its products.[8]
In 1997, the company paid an additional $1.5 million to the FTC
to settle ongoing allegations of unsubstantiated promotional claims.[9]
結論: 聯邦認證的廣告不實 被數個州起訴調查數年 最後乖乖繳和解金 $$$好多
美國政府鄉民一定是很盧死要錢 才對這麼好的公司出手的
新聞稿 http://www.ftc.gov/opa/1997/08/nuskin3.shtm
審判相關文件 縮: http://goo.gl/YBBTLy 讀了一些 證物那裏滿爆笑的
除了保健常識 大家可以多動幾下手指頭查查時事歷史 永保安康
: 推 d200190:早就說詐欺啊,跟地下電台有甚麼兩樣 09/17 11:13
: → d200190:還會可憐兮兮說產品是好產品,拉一堆外行去賣給外行,產品 09/17 11:15
: → d200190:多好都改變不了黑心的事實 09/17 11:15
: → fongse:結果還是要運動XD 09/17 12:27
: 推 hugogo:大部分的人還是會相信,拔獅子的毛可以治禿頭... 09/17 14:28
: → tockn:還是一堆人在拔獅子的毛阿。 09/17 14:53
: 推 DongRaeGu:我相信很多下線幫新皮膚更層賺到豪宅 09/17 16:22
: 推 balanokia:所以有效的是計劃 不是產品本身 XDDD 09/17 21:04
: 推 suhow:TR90不算藥物所以不用通過FDA 09/20 11:08
Art may be bad, good or indifferent,
but, whatever adjective is used,
we must call it art. - Marcel Duchamp
: → isaacting:其實新皮總公司應該還可以,還蠻誠實的,只是台灣的經銷商 09/17 10:13
: → Iamjoker:連自家官方文件都在打直銷商的臉了XDD 09/17 10:14
: → isaacting:看到他們的說明都會讓我連哭都哭不出來..怎麼差這麼多? 09/17 10:14
: 推 shellyclover:好文推! 09/17 10:38
: 推 dio112400:XD 09/17 10:43
: 推 CACALALA:推新皮總公司應該還可以,真的是人的問題.... 09/17 10:45
: 推 drcula:總公司會被告到倒啊,經銷商愛怎麼虎爛都是個人行為 09/17 10:48
In the 1990s, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigated Nu Skin over
complaints of its multilevel marketing practices.[6]
In 1992, Nu Skin reached settlements with 5 states which had accused
the company of deceptive advertising and overstating the income
earned by distributors.[7]
In 1994, following an investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC),
the company paid $1 million and signed a consent decree prohibiting it
from making deceptive or unsubstantiated claims about its products.[8]
In 1997, the company paid an additional $1.5 million to the FTC
to settle ongoing allegations of unsubstantiated promotional claims.[9]
結論: 聯邦認證的廣告不實 被數個州起訴調查數年 最後乖乖繳和解金 $$$好多
美國政府鄉民一定是很盧死要錢 才對這麼好的公司出手的
新聞稿 http://www.ftc.gov/opa/1997/08/nuskin3.shtm
審判相關文件 縮: http://goo.gl/YBBTLy 讀了一些 證物那裏滿爆笑的
除了保健常識 大家可以多動幾下手指頭查查時事歷史 永保安康
: 推 d200190:早就說詐欺啊,跟地下電台有甚麼兩樣 09/17 11:13
: → d200190:還會可憐兮兮說產品是好產品,拉一堆外行去賣給外行,產品 09/17 11:15
: → d200190:多好都改變不了黑心的事實 09/17 11:15
: → fongse:結果還是要運動XD 09/17 12:27
: 推 hugogo:大部分的人還是會相信,拔獅子的毛可以治禿頭... 09/17 14:28
: → tockn:還是一堆人在拔獅子的毛阿。 09/17 14:53
: 推 DongRaeGu:我相信很多下線幫新皮膚更層賺到豪宅 09/17 16:22
: 推 balanokia:所以有效的是計劃 不是產品本身 XDDD 09/17 21:04
: 推 suhow:TR90不算藥物所以不用通過FDA 09/20 11:08
Art may be bad, good or indifferent,
but, whatever adjective is used,
we must call it art. - Marcel Duchamp
All Comments
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